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Brings deep entrepreneurial and financial expertise with a track record of building successful companies. We are global in our outlook, which is reflected in our team.
Investment Team
Rasmus Areskoug
Susann Aulbach
Michelle Cuttler
John Horton
Benoit Jacob
Ragnar Jongen
Sarah Kreik
Ian Marsh
Nenad Marovac
Raoul Oscar Fiano
Jack Pierrepont
Massimo Prelz
Thomas Rubens
Lucas Schaubel
Steve Schlenker
Guy Ward Thomas
Dr. John Baits
Sorcha Ward
Gülsah Wilke
Wenlin Xu
Saskia Ziv-Guest
Celine Xiao
Industry Advisors
Amanda Bedborough
Tom Buehlmann
Christina Chen
Thilo Hardt
Simon Greenman
Fabrice Grinda
Frank Kelcz
Ben Lewis
Lee Linden
Peter Misek
Lorena Ostergaard
Cedric Sellin
Norman Shi
Henry Siegel
Jay Stevens